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DuPont Circle Dentistry  


1330 New Hampshire Ave. NW        Suite B-3, Washington DC              (202) 872-0022

Dr. Mark Plauché Ryan  - Preventive Dentist

eMedic Sample


The Emergency Medical ID Card

Important personal medical information should be immediately available.  Medical related facts would be very helpful to have in an emergency.  This wallet size/business card size emergency medical identification card is available exclusively at this office. 

See a sample here.

In place of the medical caduceus, a digital photo, a digital dental radiograph or fingerprint image may be included. 

The card lists allergies, existing illnesses, prescriptions taken, emergency contact person's name and phone number, prostheses of any kind, blood type (if available), doctor's name and phone number, etc.  You may use aliases for privacy.  Your home address, photo, social security number is optional. 

An order consists of a set of four cards. The cost is $15 plus $3 s/h.  The card is laminated to prevent alteration and provide durability.  The lamination has an eyelet to allow pinning.  Scissor trim for wallets.  All laminate designs are available. 


The US Postal Service "Drop in any Mail Box-Return Service Requested" returns a lost card to this office.

Due to issues regarding email privacy, we no longer have a form to be completed online.  Please send us a request for an application.

Under development now is a flash drive based solution. 


Enter your email address here. 


A recent four part series about our present health care system agrees:  NY Times "MONEY WASTERS" article 11/13/11 

With the information provided, you will have two documents.     MY BASIC PERSONAL MEDICAL REFERENCE INFORMATION FORM

 Oral Hygiene Instructions with Dietary Counseling for Control of Dental Decay - 75% off in-office cost = $40.



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