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DuPont Circle Dentistry  


1330 New Hampshire Ave. NW        Suite B-3, Washington DC              (202) 872-0022

Dr. Mark Plauché Ryan  - Preventive Dentist

New at Dupont Circle Dentistry

DiagnoDENT, an FDA approved laser fluorescence cavity detector to identify decay where a traditional explorer can not. 

PROPHYflex, calcium carbonate pit and groove cleaning. Used in advance of the Diagnodent to prevent false positive results.

3M - ESPE: Filtek Supreme Plus Composites, nanometer size particle composites.

Eva Digital Radiography, 75% less radiation per view.

A recent four part series about our present health care system agrees:  NY Times "MONEY WASTERS" article 11/13/11 

With the information provided, you will have two documents.     MY BASIC PERSONAL MEDICAL REFERENCE INFORMATION FORM

 Oral Hygiene Instructions with Dietary Counseling for Control of Dental Decay - 75% off in-office cost = $40.



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